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Gabriel Yalgin 1 cal Mor Yuhannon u Macmdhono John the Baptist in Aramaic
Gabriel Yalgin 2 cal Mor Yuhannon u Macmdhono John the Baptist in Aramaic
Gabriel Yalgin 1 cal Malkutho u Gihano
Gabriel Yalgin 2 cal Malkutho u Gihano
Gabriel Yalgin mamlo cal Mor Gabriel la Folitiqore Siyasi da OTHUROYE u OROMOYE
Gabriel Yalgin 1 Year in Youtube shato bu youtube
Gabriel Yalgin u Danyel Bardenho Budak cala noshe d kitne ba Heyyet
Gabriel Yalgin cala Noshe Gabore Umthonoye Suryoye
Gabriel Yalgin Live in Suryoyo SAT 18 01 2010 21 05 with Süleyman and Rima
Gabriel Yalgin cal i Fligutho d Almanya u Uriwi 1 v 3
"My Father is John the Baptist, the Messiah" **LIVE** on Consider This TV
The NAVIA John 1 dramatised